Roofing Blog - Tips & Helpful Information

As winter approaches, there is a drastic shift in temperatures in Colorado. Day and night temperatures may differ by 30 degrees or more. These fluctuations in temperature and humidity can severely impact your roof. In order to keep your roof in the best possible shape during these drastic changes it’s important to follow a few guidelines to “Winter-proof” your roof.

Ensure Your Roof is Watertight

It is always recommended to have a professional do a thorough inspection of your roof to ensure there are no areas of concern or leaks. They will look for things like bending, cracking, bowing, or any other signs that your roof is in any way compromised. They may also check that any exposed nails are sealed. Even small malformations may become worse when exposed to cold temperatures which is why it’s important to have a professional do the inspection because they will know what to look for. Ensuring your roof is watertight before those Winter months is the best way to keep the moisture out of your roof and attic.

Seasonal Cleaning

Especially after the leaves have fallen it’s crucial to do a thorough cleaning of debris from the gutters and rooftop. You may even flush your gutters and trim overhanging tree branches. Throughout the season you will want to prevent wet leaves from piling up and potentially harboring mold. It’s also a good idea to check your chimney for any maintenance or cleaning. Make sure it’s free of any soot buildup and ensure that smoke vents are operating properly.

A properly maintained roof can last for decades through any season. Give us a call for a free inspection and check out our blog for more tips on roof maintenance.

There are a large number of different insurance plans available from various providers on the market and not all policies are going to offer the same coverage. However, most homeowner’s insurance plans do cover roofs in a similar way. Here are a few tips to keep in mind.

Know Your Plan

Before you begin asking questions about what is and is not covered, it is always a good idea to speak with your insurance agent and go over your plan. Reading insurance contracts can be tedious and difficult for the average homeowner, so speaking with an insurance agent is a good way to simplify the process.

Rule of Thumb

The majority of insurance plans are going to offer some type of coverage for roofs. In many cases, this will cover replacement or repair that results from damage. Depending on the location of your home, your insurance provider may offer coverage for specific weather events, such as tornadoes, hurricanes, hail, or wind. When looking for information on roof coverage, always check specific sections of your policy that may cover damage due to weather. Different sections of your policy may provide different information when it comes to roof coverage.

Ask your agent about the type of policy you have. Does your policy pay for the full replacement cost or cost less depreciation? Ask about how big your deductible would be if there is a claim and are you comfortable with that amount. Ask if you have building code upgrades or ordinance coverage on your policy. If not, you may get stuck with a big bill to bring any repairs into current building code compliance. Ask if your policy has a cosmetic endorsement. If it does, dents and damage to siding might not be covered.

Storm Damage

One of the most common reasons for roof replacement in Colorado is wind and hail damage. Homeowners may receive different levels of compensation based on their policy for replacement costs, deductible and code coverage.


Generally, homeowners insurance will not cover roof replacement that is needed due to age and general deterioration. Roofs need to be replaced roughly every 20-30 years and those costs will usually fall on the homeowner. In order to get the most out of your insurance policy, make sure that your roof and gutter systems function well, and are well maintained. This will help to extend its lifespan, and will also put you in a better position to argue for more compensation in the event of weather damage or other issues.


Having a professional assessment of various parts of your home is always a benefit when it comes time for homeowner’s insurance claims. Platte River Roofing is happy to provide customers with a free assessment of their roof by a certified contractor. We advise a roof assessment any time there are changes made to a homeowner’s insurance policy after the damage has occurred and every few years.

Leak Barrier
Helps prevent leaks caused by wind-driven rain and ice dams
Roof Deck Protection
Helps shield the roof deck from moisture infiltration
Starter Strip Shingles
Helps guard against shingle blow-offs
Beautify & protect for years to come
Attic Ventilation
Helps reduce attic moisture and heat
Ridge Cap Shingles
The finishing touch that helps defend against leaks at the hips and ridges
If you live in Colorado you know that storms can be unpredictable and weather can change on a dime. It’s likely that you have probably also experienced a significant hail storm. These storms can cause some serious damage so it’s crucial to know how insurance claims work and what you will need before filing a claim.
1. Many Policies Have Exclusions
Every policy is different and that includes the way in which your roof coverage works. For this reason you will want to do research and make sure you know the details of your policy before you ever need to make a claim. A common example of an exclusion is damage that was caused through neglectful maintenance. Additionally, if your roof is past a certain age, your policy may not apply unless the roof is replaced. These are just a few reasons it is important to stay on top of your roof maintenance and be proactive. If you’re anticipating a summer of heavy storms, review your policy and make sure you meet all the qualifications for coverage.
2. Be Sure to Document
BEFORE you begin any cleanup or repairs, document the extent of the damage to your roof. Your insurance company may require photos in order to verify your claim. It’s also a good idea to do your research and hire a roofing company that is experienced at working with insurance companies. They should understand what needs to be documented to make the claims process easy and get the most out of your claim.
3. Don’t Wait to File a Claim
It is important to file your claim as soon as any damage has occurred. Not only will this make your insurance claim process easier, but the longer your roof sits compromised, the more likely that your roof may be susceptible to additional water damage. Another reason to file your claim right away is that if you wait too long, your insurance company may deny the claim and consider your actions negligent.
If you suspect your roof has suffered any damage be sure to document the incident and call a professional right away.
Roof leaks can be costly but the good news is that they are often preventable! Here are some tips to keep your roof in great shape.
Replace Missing or Damaged Shingles
Shingles are an essential part of your roofing system. Cracked, bent, and missing shingles all provide an opportunity for leaks. Indications that you may need shingles replaced include shingle debris in downspouts or around your house or off-colored patches on your roof.
Repair Ponding Surfaces
Pools of water standing on your roof after rain or snow could soon present a big problem. Ponding leaves your roof vulnerable to rot, which has the potential to cause leaks. Flat and low-sloped roofs are more susceptible to this problem than steeply-pitched surfaces—but it can happen to any roof.
Keep Your Gutters Clean
Clogged gutters lead to more standing water and moisture on roof surfaces because the rain runoff is not being carried away from your roof and siding properly. The chance for leaks increases if your gutters are clogged and not functioning to keep moisture off of your roof so it’s important to keep on top of this! It’s a good idea to clean your gutters at least twice a year.
Have Your Roof Inspected by a Professional
It is easy to miss any potential issues with your roof, especially if you have never been on it. Leave that to the professionals as this can be a dangerous task.
Anywhere there are openings or joints in your roof, there’s the potential for leaks down the line. Areas that should be inspected include your roof’s vents, chimney, pipes, skylights, and solar panels.
It’s a good idea to have your roof inspected by a professional at least every five years (more frequently, if your roof is over ten years old).
Inspect Your Attic Ceiling
Roof leaks are often identified by the damage on your attic ceiling. Signs of a leak may include damaged or moldy insulation, rotting or stained boards or ceiling panels, or puckering, discolored sheetrock.
Remove Ice Buildup During Heavy Snows
During the winter in Colorado, it is common to get ice dam buildups on your roof. This usually occurs after a snowfall. The heat from the inside of your home rises and melts the snow on the roof. Then, when the melting snow reaches the edges of the roof, the cold temperature refreezes the snow, clogging your gutters.
The key with preventing roof leaks is to keep your roof from collecting moisture. If you notice any kind of moisture buildup on your roof it is always a good idea to have it inspected.
You count on your roof every day to keep your home cozy and dry. Here are some signs to look for to ensure your home stays this way.
1.Your roof is 10+ years old
Laminated asphalt roofs are typically rated by the manufacturer to last 30 years. However, even in the best of circumstances that is rare. In Colorado due to our extreme weather including extreme heat, extreme cold, hail, wind, snow etc, the average roof is replaced every 8-10 years. If your roof is 10 years or older, we recommend having it inspected by a professional roofing company.
2. Curling shingles
Shingles can curl in two ways:
Cupping – this happens when the edges of the shingles turn upward
Clawing – the edges of the shingles stay flat and the middle starts to rise. Both of these show signs of weathering and indicate that there may be underlying issues and even leaks in your roof.
3. Missing shingles
Often there should be no problem with just replacing a few shingles here and there. However, granule colors change significantly over time, therefore matching the exact color of your current shingle is next to impossible. You can keep patching until a bigger issue presents itself, but if a roof starts to look like a checkerboard, people often opt to replace the whole thing.
4. Cracked shingles
Cracked shingles are typically a result of wind damage. If just a few shingles are cracked, you can often replace them. However, if the cracked shingles are not isolated to one particular area, that may be a sign that you should start thinking about a new roof. Cracked shingles mean that you may need to replace your entire roof within three to five years.
5. Granules in your gutter
This does not apply if you just had your roof replaced. Loose granules may fall off shortly after replacing your asphalt roof, which is nothing to worry about. However, if it has been 10 or 15 years and you are seeing granules in your gutter, that’s a sign of a bigger problem.
The function of granules is to help keep the sun off the asphalt. Once the granules fall off your shingles, they start to bake and the quality will deteriorate. If you start to notice granules in the gutter, the shingles are estimated to be halfway through their lifespan.
6. Shingles covered with moss or algae
This is typically more of a cosmetic issue than one to panic about. People may choose to replace the roof just because they don’t like the aesthetic (and a lot of new shingles are algae-resistant).
An important note: Don’t take matters into your own hands by power washing or scraping your shingles. That’s a good way to chip off granules and render your roof useless.
As long as you can stand the look, consider a wash that’s one part bleach and one part water to remove algae or moss. Or look into zinc strips that can be installed at roof peaks and will eventually eliminate the problem. If you do decide to replace your roof, consider tiles that are algae-resistant. Be sure to ask your roofing contractor for a good recommendation.
7. You can see sunlight from your attic
If light can get in, so can rain, cold air, and snow. Check for light and also look for water stains. If you find any, watch them over a few rainfalls and if they change shape or size, that means you’ve got an active leak.
8. The entire roof is sagging
It may seem obvious, but this is a huge issue. A sagging roof is typically an indication of a structural issue. There could be a problem with the decking in the attic or, worse, with the supports in the foundation. You’re not necessarily in imminent danger, but this is the kind of thing that’s a lot easier to take care of when it’s small and localized. If you see a depression or a droop in your roof, call an expert as soon as possible.
Why is it necessary to have my roof inspected after a major storm?
Your roof is a crucial component of your home’s structure. Damage can occur from hail, high winds, and storms. To an untrained eye, your roof may appear to have little or no damage. However, ignoring a roof that needs repair or replacement will cause more damage over time and may end up costing more to fix. Additionally, most insurance policies only give you 12 months to file a claim to catch damage early. Hail, in particular, can cause small imperfections that get worse over time. Storm damage isn’t likely to cause leaks immediately, but later as the roof gets exposed to the elements, leaks start to occur.
Why is there depreciation on my insurance claim?
Depreciation is the amount of money that is held back by the insurance company. This is per item and not on the total claim amount. The depreciation is based on how much life expectancy is left in the damaged item. If something is worth $100 brand new and there is 10% of its life expectancy left, the insurance carrier would pay you 10% of the new price ($10) and hold back 90% ($90). Depending on the policy the depreciation can be recovered once the work is completed and documentation is sent in.
What is the difference between RCV vs. ACV?
Insurance coverages often have two different ways of evaluating how much they will pay for your roof. Replacement cost value (RCV) is the more traditional type of coverage. The insurer will pay enough to cover the full cost of a roof replacement, minus your deductible. ACV is the actual cash value. This factors in the age of your roof and is more common in states with high wind and hailstorms. You’ll receive the amount of the roof replacement minus deductible and depreciation.
Are there things my insurance company may not cover?
  1. Wear and tear on an older roof
  2. Damage from a neglected maintenance issue
  3. Wind and hail exclusions on some policies
  4. Damage caused by not taking immediate action after storms
Remember, the insurance process can often be lengthy and involve a lot of follow-up, documentation, and research. Work with an experienced roofing contractor to save you time, stress, and money.
1. Keep Detailed Documentation
As a homeowner, it is wise to be proactive and keep detailed records of the condition of your roof. Doing an annual roof inspection yourself is advisable. You’ll want to look for the following things:
– missing or lifted shingles
– cracks or missing granules
– water spots both inside and outside your home
If you find there are a lot of granules in your gutters or on the ground, it is a good indication you’ll need your roof inspected by a professional.
In addition to annual roof inspections, an inspection should always be performed after severe weather. Be sure to take thorough pictures of your roof and any damages that may have occurred.
This is also a good time to check the details of your insurance plan including: what it covers, what your deductible is, and coverage limits.
2. Contact Your Roofing Contractor
Any time you suspect damage to your roof, the first thing you should do is call your roofing contractor. Platte River Roofing offers free roof inspections and gives you a complete and accurate estimate of any damage. Make sure your contractor is licensed, insured, and experienced! Otherwise, you run the risk of additional damage in the future from the neglected repair or replacement.
3. Call Your Insurance Company & File A Claim
You’ll want to report the incident to your insurance provider right away. Your insurance company will then appoint a claims adjuster to come to your home to assess the damage and provide an estimate of what your insurance will cover.
It’s a good idea to have your roofing contractor present when the claims adjuster is doing the evaluation to ensure the adjuster is fair and covers all the damage to the property caused by the storm. A contractor can also catch any errors that might be made by the adjuster. It is still likely that the adjuster will not find everything that needs to be done. Your roofing contractor can submit some of these missed “code items” later as supplements to your insurance.
4. Repair the Damage or Replace Your Roof
Once approved by the insurance company, you are ready to have your roof repaired or replaced.
Colorado’s front range is hit with the highest frequency of large hail storms in North America. These storms, while often brief, have the potential to be extremely devastating. Even a single hail storm can inflict significant damages upon your property. However, there are ways you can minimize your hail damage. Here are some measures can you take against those upcoming hail storms.
Be Proactive
Hail can inflict some significant damage on your home and your roof, especially when other exterior hazards are in the mix, that damage can become amplified. Be sure to address your exterior property concerns. We recommend that you:
  1. Trim any overhanging branches – Even light storms have the potential to break tree branches. You want to ensure surrounding trees are a minimal threat to your home.
  2. Clean your gutters – You should clean out your gutter systems a few times every year. Blocked gutters will almost always result in excess water damages to your property.
  3. Move your outdoor furniture inside – Move your outdoor furniture and other items to a secure location. If that’s not possible we recommend you securely cover those outdoor items with a tarp or hail blanket.
Additional precautions you can make to protect your property could include installing shutters on your windows for some extra protection and to consider adding makeshift canopies over your plants and landscapes.
Get The Right Insurance Policy
Even while being proactive, you can’t prevent all of the damages that may result from a passing storm. You can, however, be financially prepared for those damages. Make sure you have the right homeowner’s insurance policy in place by double-checking your policy to ensure that you are covered for storm damages. It also wouldn’t hurt to familiarize yourself with the roof insurance claim process.
Upgrade Your Roof
The best way to minimize the impacts of a hail storm is to ensure your roof is in good condition. That being said, the resilience of your roof is only as strong as your first line of defense: your shingles. Be sure to restore the integrity of your roof with good-quality materials. If you hope to effectively minimize hail damage, you need durable shingles that are impact-resistant. The cost of a product does not always reflect its quality, but that is often not the case in the roofing industry.
Invest In High-Quality Materials
In Colorado, it pays off to invest in impact-resistant (IR) shingles. Impact-resistant shingles are designed to withstand high winds up to 110 mph and high-velocity impacts from hail stones. IR shingle options may be slightly pricier than other shingles, but they offer your roof long-term protection. Your IR shingles will pay for themselves in the long run and help reduce your maintenance costs as well. Additionally, the use of qualifying impact-resistant roofing products may qualify for significant premium discounts.
Contact Platte River Roofing today to prepare your home for hail damage in Colorado.
The process of replacing your roof can be a daunting task. However, if you find a good contractor you can count on, you are off to a great start.
Knowing what to ask a roofing contractor goes a long way in assuring you that you’ve made the right choice. Here are some key things that you should ask a roofing company before you hire them.
Are You Licensed?
All contractors must be licensed. Verify that the contractor’s license is up to date and that any subcontractors they are using are also licensed.
Are You Insured?
All roofing contractors by law must ensure that their employees are insured.
Some companies work without this and any accident on your property could make you liable. Also, verify how any damage to your home will be handled.
Does Your Estimate Include All Costs?
Some contractors will quote a low figure at first to reel you in but as time goes by and the work starts the price begins to increase.
This is because the original price may not have quoted key tasks such as the removal of your old roof. Only agree to an estimate that is both detailed and comprehensive.
Do You Have References?
Check with former clients or business partners to find out if they would recommend the contractor.
Are You Local?
Before you choose a roofer, know their physical address to determine they are a local company.
It’s better to stick to a local contractor for several reasons.
– Local roofers understand Colorado’s unpredictable climate and weather
– It’s easier to communicate with a local roofing company in the event that any issues arise
There are out-of-state companies that set up in Colorado temporarily to acquire business but they may not be local. These roofing contractors may not be the best option as they aren’t as familiar with Colorado weather as local contractors.
Finding the right roofing contractor is challenging. Knowing what to ask a roofing contractor can makes the process simpler.
As society becomes more and more dependent on the internet and social media, online reviews have become their own form of currency for businesses. If you enjoy a service someone has provided, the best way to show appreciation or support is by writing an online review.
Consumers also rely heavily on these reviews to decide if a company is right for them.
But with all the fake information on the internet, how do you know if these reviews are legit?
Tips on Decoding Reviews
– A great tactic when trying to spot fake Google or Yelp review is to look at the profile of the reviewer in question. It’s possible to look at every reviewer’s profile by clicking on their avatar. From here, you’ll get a list of all the places they’ve reviewed, shown on a map. This is extremely useful.
– Read through the reviews carefully, paying attention to the responses of the company to the clients’ comments. If they have five stars on only one review, the rating is not as reliable. If they have hundreds of reviews, then you will see a pattern of client satisfaction. If all the reviews were posted in the last month, they are not likely to be organic. Look for longevity of reviews.
Why So Negative?
Research suggests that people trust negative reviews more than positive ones — despite their questionable credibility. It’s important to know that consumers are quick to post about negative experiences, so having a lot of positive reviews makes a very strong statement! So, be sure to use the tips above when deciding which reviews to trust.
The Responsibility of Leaving Reviews
People are trusting your judgement and information when you leave a review. It’s a big responsibility! Detailed, constructive, and polite feedback in reviews is valuable input for our online review community, including the businesses reviewed.
Consider these tips:
  1. Provide useful, constructive feedback.
  2. Talk about a range of elements, including customer service.
  3. Be detailed, specific, and honest.
  4. Leave out links and personal information.
  5. Keep it civil and friendly.
  6. Feel free to update your review if needed.
  7. Check you’ve got the right domain name or company.
Pros and Cons of Spring Roof Replacement
Spring is one of the busiest times of the year for home improvements. Not only are homeowners gung-ho to begin spring cleaning, it’s also a great time for landscaping and exterior renovation. That being said, is spring a good time to take on a roof replacement? Here are some advantages and disadvantages of spring roof replacement.
Advantages of Spring Roof Replacement
The first benefit of having your roof replaced during the spring is flexibility. Roofing companies are often busiest during the summer months. They may have much more flexibility to work around your schedule if you have your roof replaced during the spring simply because they aren’t as busy. The summer is busier for roofing due to the more predictable weather, however spring is perfectly optimal too.
Another benefit of spring roof replacement is more efficient communication. Having your roof replaced is no small task and you are guaranteed to have many questions. While roofing companies do their best to put your mind at ease and respond to you as quickly as possible, it’s easier to efficiently answer your questions when the phone isn’t ringing off the hook from summer storms.
Disadvantages of Spring Roof Replacement
One of the most popular residential roofing material is asphalt shingles. However, they require installation temperatures of around 40 degrees to properly cure and adhere. In Colorado, optimal temperature for installing asphalt isn’t always in the cards in spring which may cause delays.
We all know the unpredictable weather spring brings to Colorado and rain and snow may also cause delays. However, if you plan accordingly, there’s a good chance your spring project will go off without a hitch.
Still Not Sure if Spring is a Good Idea?
The best way to find out if a spring roof install is a good option, just call your local roofing company. A local roofer knows the perfect time and conditions for your replacement and can let you know if you should wait or if it’s time to get moving.
Whether you are restoring your home from a hail storm or focusing on home improvements, a new roof can be a significant investment. It’s important to find an experienced contractor that you can trust. That being said, you should always do your research before having any work done.
There are easy ways to vet a roofing company online. One great way to start the search is to look them up on the Better Business Bureau. This independent third-party organization rates each company and keeps records of all complaints and posted client reviews. Additionally, details of any complaint and whether it was resolved or not are available as well. It costs the company money to be a member of the BBB. However, they rate companies whether they are members or not.
If a company has invested in a BBB membership it shows that they are agreeing to be held to a high standard. When a company has maintained very high standards, the BBB allows them to become an Accredited Business. There is an additional cost involved for the company, but not all companies are allowed to obtain this status. A BBB Accredited roofing contractor is a great sign.

A roofing project can be a big job, which of course, involves a commitment of time and money and should serve as an investment in your home.

So, the last thing you want to find when the work is done is that the roofers left a mess. Your yard should look as it did before the job started, and that’s our commitment to you. Here at Platte River Roofing, we clean up after all our roofing projects, and to a standard that we are only happy with if you are. There is more to cleaning up after a project than clearing away nails when we’re done, although this is still important.

Preparation Is Key

For us, a little work at the start makes everything a lot easier.

We lay tarpaulin under our work area to capture any stray items that fall from the roof, including nails, underlay, fascia, and any other debris. We have a skip or dumpster on site as well to ensure that everything can be taken away safely as we go along.

The Nails

These can be hazardous, and any roofing work that is done on a property can involve some strays finding their way to the ground. We understand that there may be children and pets that reside with you, not to mention the tires of your car.

Because of this, we take extra precautions to find any nails that the initial cleaning process might miss. By using a magnet, we can pick up nails that the eyes can miss. A common complaint with sub-par contractors is that the roofers left nails in the yard. We work hard to make sure this doesn’t happen.

We Take Care Around Plants

Of course, roofing work can mean that plants and greenery can be affected.

We take due care when we complete the work, but our roofers are only human, and accidents can occur. If any shrub or plant is damaged as part of the process, we can replace them to a level that you are satisfied with.

When Do We Clean Up?

Like we mentioned, we do some preparation to ensure that cleaning up after roofing is easier. We also clean up as we go along, but we’ll do the bulk of the cleaning at the end of the project. This is because roofing work can take several days to complete, and cleaning up properly is time-consuming. We want to make sure that we finish the entire project on time.

Still, this doesn’t affect the quality of our clean up, and we often receive praise for the way we leave our customers’ homes.

Your Peace Of Mind Is Important To Us

We want you to feel as comfortable as possible when we are completing your roofing project.

We repair or replace anything that is damaged to your approval leaving your yard in an acceptable state. Also, it is vital for us that you feel comfortable asking questions. Feel free to mention anything that you are worried about so we can put your mind at ease.

There are only so many times you can put off a job that needs doing, especially when it comes to the roof over your head. The last thing you want is a leak or worse, a potential roofing collapse.

The problem with re-roofing is that a lot of people don’t even realize when a roof needs to be replaced, or they may not be aware of the benefits. A roof replacement has so much to offer your home, as well as you, the homeowner.

We are going to take a look at some of the key reasons why homeowners should consider a roof replacement.

Long-Term Rewards

Replacing your roof won’t just benefit your home initially, you will be reaping the benefits for decades.

Not having to worry about the quality of the roof over your head is reassuring, and if you have been having small issues with your roof over a long period, you can be sure that they will not stay small forever. A roof replacement now can stop expensive repairs from stacking up. Once complete, if done correctly, it can mean you will not need to repair your roof for decades.

It Adds Value

A new roof is an investment in the property as a whole, which is why it is appealing to potential buyers. Knowing that they aren’t going to have to worry about the roof for some time, is a real draw.

We have found with our Platte River Roofing roof replacement service that the result looks so good it makes the property stand out from the crowd. And as they say, first impressions are everything.

You Can Customize Your Roof

Customization is something that many homeowners don’t even consider.

The roof on your home is likely to be the one that it came with. The overall look might be something that you have lived with. Putting your stamp on the inside of your property is common, but choosing the roof that you want changes the look of your home as a whole.

You can go from your current look to an asphalt shingle, slate, luxury roofing, cedar shake and more.

Expert Hands Make Expert Roofs

The roof you have at the moment may have been part of a larger job.

When companies build a lot of houses at the same time, they are restricted to a time-frame for each project. The roof you have right now may have been a rushed job, or may not have been given the due diligence that one would expect to see.

Every one of our roofing experts has been trained to the highest of levels to ensure your roof replacement lasts.

They Reduce Bills

Unfortunately, an old roof is more susceptible to air leaking.

A new roof is made of the latest in quality materials and ensures that there are no air leaks to worry about, which means that your heating bill will be reduced as will your impact on the environment.

Now might be the perfect time to invest in a new roof. Contact the experts at Platte River Roofing to see what we can do for you and your home.

Your roof is an essential part of your home’s structure. It protects the building against the elements and ensures that your walls and personal belongings stay dry. Since moisture protection is one of a roof’s primary functions, it follows, then, that your roof should be completely waterproof.

Without proper roof flashing, your roof can allow water to seep inside your home. Keep reading to learn more about roof flashing and why it matters to your home.

What is Roof Flashing?

Usually, flashing is a strip of galvanized metal, for example, copper or aluminum. Installation of these strips is necessary to waterproof and protect places where there is a joint between roof surfaces. Examples of these areas include dormer tops and roof section joints like valleys.

Flashing also serves to keep moisture away from joints between roof surfaces and chimneys, skylights, and vents. Since joints between the roofing and these structures are open and susceptible to water damage, installing flashing is crucial to safeguard these areas.

Professional roofing companies like Platte River Roofing provide property owners with flashing that is designated for installation around specific structures. Skylight, vents, and dormer suppliers may also offer flashing that is compatible with their products.

Why Does Flashing Matter?

Flashing protects vulnerable areas on your roof against moisture and the influx of debris and dirt. Water can have a pretty devastating effect on walls, roof trusses, and other structural components. If water enters your home in an uncontrolled manner, it can also damage your carpets and your personal belongings, for example, paintings and musical instruments.

According to All Dry USA, water leaks into your home can be more debilitating than one may think. It can increase the humidity in your home, stimulate the development of bacteria and mold, and initiate the decay process of wooden structures.

Without sufficient moisture protection, you may have to undergo extensive and costly repairs in the near future. By adequately installing high-quality flashing, you will save yourself a lot of trouble and money over the long run.

Proper Installation

Purchasing high-quality flashing that accommodates basic movements during temperature changes and that offers sufficient protection against moisture is not enough. You also have to install the flashing correctly on your roof.

If you have no professional experience in roof flashing, you may want to consider leaving the job to a professional and certified roofing company. Incorrect installation will not only result in moisture damage, but reinstalling flashing is costly and can be prevented.

Incorrect installation can also limit the lifespan of the flashing as it may become loose and susceptible to wind damage or bending.

After successful flashing installation, it can be beneficial to conduct annual roof inspections to ensure that your flashing is performing as it should and that your roof is in excellent condition.

Damaged or Malfunctioning Flashing?

Platte River Roofing specializes in roof flashing. We offer the following services:

  • Metal roof flashing
  • Roof to wall flashing installation
  • Roof edge flashing installation
  • Roof valley flashing installation
  • Roof flashing repair

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